A practical guide to bird watching in Sonoma County, California

(Unless otherwise indicated, all phone numbers are in the 707 area code)


Recommended restaurants

Detailed information about restaurants in the vicinity of listed bird watching spots

is on the individual location pages, but here's a handy list of most of the places mentioned.

North County

The Jenner Sea Store (deli sandwiches) at 10438 Hwy 1, Jenner, CA 95450 (865-2906)

River's End Restaurant just north of town, at 11048 Hwy 1, Jenner CA, 95450 (865-2484)

Café Aquatica at 10439 Hwy 1, Jenner, CA 95450

The Sizzling Tandoor at 9960 Hwy. 1, Jenner, CA 95450 (865-0625)

Cape Fear Café, at 25191 CA Route 116 (865-9246)

Santa Rosa

Betty's Fish and Chips at 4060 Sonoma Highway--Hwy 12 by another name (539-0899)

East West Café at 557 Summerfield Rd. (546-6142)

Lepe's Taqueria at 4323 Montgomery Dr. (538-8891)

Michelle Marie's Patisserie, 2404 Magowan Dr. (575-1214)

Oliver's Market at 560 Montecito Center, on Montecito Blvd., Santa Rosa 95409

Sandwiches and deli food at Pearson & Co., 2759 4th St. (541-3868)

Yao Kiku Japanese Restaurant at 2700 Yulupa Ave, No. 23 (587-8180)

Kirin (Chinese) at 2700 Yulupa Ave. (525-1957)


Aioli, in Forestville, at 6536 Front St., Forestville, CA 95436 (887-2476)

East-West Café at 128 N. Main St., Sebastopol, CA 95472, 829-2822

The French Garden at 8050 Bodega Ave., Sebastopol CA 95472 (824-2030)

Willow Wood Market Café at 9020 Graton Rd., Graton, CA 95444, (823-0233)

Bodega Bay

The Boat House at 1445 N. Highway 1, Bodega Bay, CA 94923 (875-3495)

The Tides Wharf Restaurant at 835 S. Highway 1 (875-3652)

The Sandpiper at  2010 to 1400 N. Highway 1 (875-2933)

The Spud Point Crab Co. at 1860 Westhore Rd. (875-9472)

Diekmann's Bay Store at 1275 Highway 1 (875 3517) 

Terrapin Creek Café  at 1580 Eastshore Rd. (875-2700)

Gourmet au Bay, right next to the Tides wharf


Aqus Café, 189 H Street at 2nd St., Petaluma

Della Fattoria Bakery and Cafe, 141 Petaluma Blvd. North, downtown Petaluma

Water Street Bistro at 100 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma CA 94952 (763-9563)

Lombardi’s Barbecue 3413 Petaluma blvd. North, Petaluma CA 94952 (773-1271)

Velasco's North of the Border, 190 Kentucky St., downtown Petaluma 

Zocalos Latin Grill, 3120 Lakeville Highway Suite A, Petaluma


© Colin Talcroft, 2009, 2010, 201, 2012

Unless noted, all photos by the author. If you would like to use one of my images, please ask for permission for non-commercial use with proper credit or commercial use with proper compensation.
